Close the gap of where you are to where you want to be

Podcast + Coaching for Women Who Want to Use Christ's Doctrine and Atonement to Create Real Change


A weekly podcast to help you understand and apply Christ's doctrine and atonement to your life


Learn the tools that will help you partner with God and co-create change and the life you've always desired


Video classes + printables with practical ways to embrace your covenants and your unique journey

Listen to the podcast

Being acted upon won't get you the life and joy you crave

Co-creating your life with God is not a walk in the park. But there's hope and I can help.

Focusing on Christ and His doctrine and atonement brings peace

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As Boyd K. Packer said, "True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior." Listen each week to learn doctrine straight from the scriptures + living prophets to help you create the change you desire.


You have the power to create everything in your life. As a certified creation coach, I'll introduce you to creation tools that will support you in both the spiritual and physical creation of your life.


Find practical ideas and new ways to connect with God, know your purpose and embrace the journey God has tailor made just for you on the covenant path.

Start co-creating with God the life you've always wanted in 3 simple steps

Step 1: Learn to reimagine prayer

You can use the pattern of prayer you've been taught your whole life but also pray in a way that makes sense to you and helps you feel a deeper connection with God. Find out a unique way to use a prayer journal and hear how other women have reimagined prayer to spark your own ideas.

Step 2: Listen to the Spiritually Minded Women podcast

Listen to weekly podcast episodes to help you understand and apply Christ's doctrine and atonement to your life in a way that creates lasting change, improves relationships and helps you feel empowered.

Step 3: Get coached

Learn more about how to partner with God and co-create the life you desire utilizing the doctrine of Christ and other tools. You'll learn you have the power to create anything you want in your life--relationships, goals, joy, happiness, peace--no matter what is happening around you.

Darla on Path

Go beyond the checklist to a spiritual life focused on Christ and covenants

When I was a kid, I always thought I would grow up and then magically, my life would be perfect and my testimony would be solid. I would skip my way down the covenant path to my heavenly home. 


I held onto these beliefs well into adulthood. I thought if I did “all the things”–you know, scripture study, church attendance, family home evening, prayer, temple attendance, etc.–I would have a solid relationship with Christ, know my purpose and never have any problems.


Then my family experienced some major challenges. I was perplexed why we were struggling when we were doing everything “right.” This is when God really started to teach me that my “checklist” for gospel living was not going to get me where He wanted and needed me to go.


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Checking boxes wasn’t going to help me know the Savior, help others and become who God wanted me to be. I realized I needed a new approach.


In the thick of a devastating trial, I sought for answers and found  there was a rich and connected spiritual life waiting for me beyond the checklist.


I could pray in a way that made sense to me and actually have two-way communication with God. I could use the covenants I had made to not only know what I needed to do but to also know the great promises God had given me. I could have assurance that my journey on the covenant path, the good and the bad, was made just for me to give me experience and help me return to my  Heavenly Parents.


I have learned there is no one way to be a righteous woman who wants to make and keep covenants, know her Savior and make it home.


There are essential checkpoints on the path, which are the covenants of baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, priesthood ordinations (for men), temple ordinances and partaking of the sacrament each week. But there are no checklists with a million checkboxes you must check off.


There is a spiritual life beyond the checklist that is full of connection, hope and joy. Come join me on the journey!


P.S. If you want to know more about the big trial I faced go listen to this


Work With Me

Listen to the Podcast

Listen each week to learn doctrine straight from the scriptures + living prophets to help you create the change you desire.

Enroll in a Course

Learn to reimagine prayer in 5 different ways from 5 different woman, or explore 10 ways you can embrace your unique journey on the covenant path,or dive deep into 5 ways to become more spiritually minded so you can “survive spiritually” in these last days.

Sign Up for Coaching

You aren’t alone. You have the power to create everything in your life. As a certified creation coach, I’ll introduce you to creation tools that will support you in both the spiritual and physical creation of your life.

Reimagine Prayer by praying with purpose using a prayer journal

Quick How-to Video

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