Your teen isn't opening up about anything spiritual. You're doing family prayer and scripture study but you feel like it's falling on deaf ears.
It feels hard to let your teenager choose. You know you need to let go and trust the Lord but what if they mess up? How do you help them without forcing?
You want your child to choose the church but you also want to stop fighting about it. You don't think you can handle them leaving.
Describe your product in 1 sentence in terms of the RESULTS they will get – what is the big promise you can make them if they use your product?
“Include the full testimonial here – but use short paragraphs so it is easy to read”
“Pull 1 line out of testimonial that is a RESULT and highlight it here”
Name/website of person giving testimonial
Talk about why this module/section/chapter/whatever is important.
Once you complete {Name of module/chapter/section here}, you will (or will not) {result here}.
Talk about why this module/section/chapter/whatever is important.
Once you complete {Name of module/chapter/section here}, you will (or will not) {result here}.
Continue adding additional sections to this accordion widget until you’ve described each section of your product.
Add urgency here if possible. Is the price going up soon? Are bonuses only available for a while. If you don’t authentically have that type of urgency then use something like: “Get {your product} now so you can {result} in {period of time}” for example: “Get The Good Start Game Plan Now so you can have a firm business foundation in just 6 weeks”
Value: $
Quick summary of bonus including at least 1 benefit and feature (so that)
One way to determine bonuses is by creating something that will solve an objection they may have to purchasing
Value: $
Quick summary of bonus including at least 1 benefit and feature (so that)
Another way to determine a bonus is to give them part of the next step – what will they need AFTER they use your product?
Value: $
You should not have more than 2-4 bonuses. Otherwise, it just becomes clutter, so duplicate/delete columns as needed
Repeat urgency here
“Include the full testimonial here – but use short paragraphs so it is easy to read”
Name/website of person giving testimonial
Describe the details of your guarantee policy here.
Repeat urgency here
I create {name of your product} for you
Give a short (2-3 paragraph) background into why you are qualified to create this product.
I want you to:
Wondering if {Name of your product} will work for you?
Describe where their life will be in the future if they DON’T get your product and express that you don’t want that for them.
Your FAQ should answer commonly asked questions as well as OBJECTIONS – reasons people will tell themselves for NOT purchasing.
Keep adding items to the accordion widget here until you’ve added all your FAQs
Repeat urgency