Abbie Twingstrom’s journey on the covenant path has included both darkness and light. As a young adult missionary and newlywed, Abbie felt troubled by the lack of answers she received and struggled to continue to choose to stay in the church
In this interview Abbie shares how she navigated that difficult time and ultimately came to learn how the Savior can be found in the darkness and in the light as well as in all the phases in between.
Overall, Abbie expresses her faith that no matter where you are on the path, there is peace in Jesus Christ and He is there for all of it.
Journal Questions
Abbie shared that she has discovered 5 different phases of light in her own life. Those phases are: recognize, seek, absorb, reflect and create. Abbie emphasized that these five phases are not steps and that the Savior can be found in all of them. You don’t arrive at one and then move on to the next. You are probably going in out of phases, even in a single day. Take a moment to ponder where you are at right now with feeling light in your life. How can you see the Savior in your current phase?
In the interview, Abbie and I discussed how taking care of yourself physically and emotionally will help you spiritually because they are all tied together. How are you taking care of yourself physically? How are you taking care of yourself emotionally? What do you feel you can do physically or emotionally that will help you spiritually?
Abbie’s testimony is that there is peace in Christ even when you are in darkness. When have you felt His peace in the past? How can you turn to Him now?
Episode Links
Find the quote by Elder David A. Bednar in the talk The Spirit of Revelation
Read Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk Fourth Floor, Last Door
Look up the scripture Darla reference D&C 19:23
Follow Abbie on Instagram: @scattersofsunshine
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