Thank you!

It has been a privilege for me to be the creator and host of the Spiritually Minded Women podcast for the past 5 years. I am now pursuing a new path and this podcast has ended. The podcast feed will still be available anywhere you listen to podcasts. I hope to pop into my Instagram page @spirituallymindedwomen from time to time but I will not actively be posting or sharing there. THANK YOU to all of my guests and listeners as you have made this journey something I will always treasure. 

I’m cheering you on!



SMW 017: How Saying Yes to God’s Promptings Will Help You Become More || Natalie Bogle

In this interview, you’ll hear Natalie Bogle say the same phrase many times, “Heavenly Father said to do this.”  Whether it’s adopting, homeschooling, moving, starting a business or anything else, Natalie Bogle always finds herself saying “Yes” to God.


In the interview, Natalie shares how she has learned to recognize God’s voice in her life and be intentional about following Him even when she doesn’t understand the why behind the prompting. She shares some of the practical things she does to hear and follow promptings such as acting and writing impressions down.

 The result for Natalie has been an intentional relationship with God that has helped her to know her purpose and continue to progress to become who He wants her to be.


“I’ve learned that if I can just say yes it will never be easy [because] adoption was hard and continues to be hard and homeschooling was hard… and running a business is hard, but the growth that I’ve learned from all of those things has made me me and has brought me closer to who God created me to be.” – Natalie Bogle

Journal Questions

Natalie shared how she learned to hear God’s voice in her life by writing. Is writing a way you connect with God? If you’re not sure, try it out. Open up a notebook and start writing what comes to your mind. Share your thoughts, feelings and questions with God by writing them out. Notice if writing helps you connect more. If it does, keep doing it. Maybe writing is a way you connect and maybe it isn’t, but you’ll never know until you try.


Natalie said her closet has become her “sanctuary” as a place she connects with God. Where is your sanctuary? When can you carve out time to build your relationship with your Heavenly Parents?


What has God asked you to do that you haven’t said yes to yet? How can you take the first step and act on what you feel He is prompting you to do?

Episode Links

Learn more about Natalie’s business –

Follow Natalie on Instagram – @anchorplanner

Sign up for the Become Anchored Virtual Summit hosted by Natalie on April 23, 2021. I will be speaking with Natalie, Sarah Allred, Becky Squire, Brooke Romney and others about how we can anchor our lives to be who God created us to be.

Follow Spiritually Minded Women on Instagram – @spirituallymindedwomen

Watch Spiritually Minded Women podcast episodes on YouTube

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