Laura LaBerteaux has struggled with postpartum depression several times in her motherhood. She especially felt the darkness of depression after her third child was born when she was also facing her husband being called as a bishop, a house fire and her husband’s cancer diagnosis.
In this interview, Laura shares how Jesus Christ was there for her during the darkness in both small, everyday ways as well as in big, miraculous ways.
Laura discusses how she used personal revelation to know the path that was right for her as well as a very specific experience where she learned how to give her heart to Jesus and let Him heal her.
Overall, Laura’s message is about not giving up, even when you feel the darkness is insurmountable. She testifies that we are not alone and there is light and rest in Christ.
Journal Questions
During the interview, Laura shared her perspective that God loves to surprise us and show us that He can do anything? How has God surprised you in the past? How have you seen His power in your life? Take some time to record your experiences, thoughts and impressions.
Laura talked about a guided meditation at a Relief Society meeting that helped her to give her heart to the Savior to heal her from depression. Take some time to think about the struggles you are facing. What do you need the Savior’s healing touch for in your life? How can you hand your heart over to Jesus and allow Him to hand it back transformed and strong?
In the interview, Laura and I discussed how letting others in on our struggles can let light in and illuminate our darkness. How can you open up and let others bring light to the dark places inside of you?
Episode Links
Links to previous episodes with Melinda Peterson that Laura mentioned helped her:
Spiritually Minded Mom episode 47: Finding Beauty in the Hard of Motherhood
Spiritually Minded Women episode 3: Silence
Follow Laura on Instagram: @lauralaberteaux
Learn more about Laura’s photography business:
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