Thank you!

It has been a privilege for me to be the creator and host of the Spiritually Minded Women podcast for the past 5 years. I am now pursuing a new path and this podcast has ended. The podcast feed will still be available anywhere you listen to podcasts. I hope to pop into my Instagram page @spirituallymindedwomen from time to time but I will not actively be posting or sharing there. THANK YOU to all of my guests and listeners as you have made this journey something I will always treasure. 

I’m cheering you on!



SMW 047: What Living Inside My Temple Covenants Means to Me || Solo Episode

Episode Links

Come to the live group episode recording about covenants: Sign up here

Parenting in Real Life podcast episode: 3 Tips for Navigating the Teenage Years

Pebbles of Light podcast episode: Helping Others Recognize Their Divine Potential

President Nelson’s talk: Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives

Five-part series: Five Ways to Become More Spiritually Minded

Spiritually Minded Women podcast episode: Acting on the Prophet’s Invitations at a Hinge Point in Church History

Spiritually Minded Women podcast episode: Blessings of the Prophet’s Invitations || Listener Call-in Show

Spiritually Minded Women podcast Episode: Join a Group Podcast Episode + How We Hear Him Replay

Find all the episode show notes HERE

President Nelson’s talk: The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation

Spiritually Minded Women podcast episode: Why Understanding Christ’s Covenant Promises Gives You a Framework for Resilient Faith

Join the Spiritually Minded Women email list and get access to my FREE resource library:

Follow Spiritually Minded Women on Instagram: @spirituallymindedwomen

Watch the podcast on YouTube: Spiritually Minded Women channel








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