Thank you!

It has been a privilege for me to be the creator and host of the Spiritually Minded Women podcast for the past 5 years. I am now pursuing a new path and this podcast has ended. The podcast feed will still be available anywhere you listen to podcasts. I hope to pop into my Instagram page @spirituallymindedwomen from time to time but I will not actively be posting or sharing there. THANK YOU to all of my guests and listeners as you have made this journey something I will always treasure. 

I’m cheering you on!



Podcast Episodes

Madi Davis started using pornography when she was 13 after coming across images on social media. In this interview, Madi shares her journey of recovery,


In this follow-up episode to the series on the doctrine of Christ, I share why I made a discussion guide for the series, how you


Heidi Dunkley grew up in the same town her whole life. But that all changed on her 19th birthday when, as a freshly married couple,

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Although Trish Braunersrither has been a wife and mother for many years, she says her full-time job for most of her life has been trying

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As a child, Denita Bremer attended The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with her grandparents. She had undeniable experiences where she learned that

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 Karen Krammer is someone who has experienced great trials and tragedy in her life including what she calls “the four Ds”–disease, death, divorce, debt.  In

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In this interview, you’ll hear Natalie Bogle say the same phrase many times, “Heavenly Father said to do this.”  Whether it’s adopting, homeschooling, moving, starting

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After growing up in the church, attending BYU and marrying in the temple, Audra Elkington found herself with serious questions about her membership in the

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Reimagine Prayer by praying with purpose using a prayer journal

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